What Will be Covered?

Have you ever been to a meditation retreat? This will be similar except that everyone will engage in a unique mindfulness dialog called Compassionate Communication for two days.
You’ll experience – in a way that is only possible in a live conference – how to remain in a deeply relaxed state using your intuition (a unique circuit located in your social brain) to build intimacy and solve problems in any type of group situation.
You’ll even have the skills to teach this one-of-a-kind workshop to others. You’ll also experience the power of rapid group problem-solving.
You’ll learn how to read micro-expressions.
You’ll practice my new Mindful Movement protocol for reducing pain.
You’ll be taught a new form of partner insight meditation called “Streaming” and you’ll witness and/or participate in live NeuroCoaching sessions with me!
NOTE: This workshop is specifically designed for healthcare professionals, coaches, and teachers who are interested in expanding their skills to include mindfulness, Compassionate Communication, and other NeuroCoach strategies to their work. If you are interested in becoming a NeuroCoach, this would be a great conference to attend! Questions? Email Mark Waldman: Oriel@MarkRobertWaldman.com
“This is my definition of the ideal mentor: someone who cares deeply for the education of a less experienced person, and by interacting with that person, triggers a transformation in their life. ”
–Mark Waldman
Author, Researcher, Executive MBA
Faculty, Loyola Marymount University
A Message from Mark Waldman…
Hi, Mark Waldman here! In celebration of three years of training individuals in the best brain-based, evidence-based, and mindfulness-based strategies to solve any personal or professional problem in just a couple of hours of NeuroCoaching, 20 of my distinguished coaches and students will gather at my home overlooking the Channel Islands (50 minutes from the airport) for an amazing weekend experiential conference, learning new skills and tools to bring into the international world of counseling, education, and business development.
AND YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND….IF SPACE PERMITS! We only have room to accept 10 guests who are interested in exploring social mindfulness techniques that can be instantly applied to your work and personal life. The cost is minimal – $400 – and you can apply it to your tuition if you are interested in joining our next NeuroCoach training and certification program.
Click below for info about future NeuroCoach training classes.